Funding - Future page

Round 2 Applications will open March 2025.
Summary | Business Builder Sub-Awards Round 2
Business Builder Sub-Awards are intended to provide financial capacity for businesses that are aiming for expansion and growth and need assistance in reaching new markets. Awards will not fund production related activities but concentrate on post-harvest actions and equipment that align with the goals of the program. Each round, the Center accepts applications from Minnesota, North Dakota & South Dakota. Round 2 of Business Builder Subawards will grant approximately 4 subawards per state, resulting in a total of approximately $600,000 of awards reaching small and mid-sized food businesses.
Eligibility Requirements
UEI Number: Applicants must have an active Unique Entity Identifier (UEI) number will be required within the application.
Small to Mid-Sized Business: For-profit private sector and non-profit organizations that are small to mid-sized local food value chain businesses are eligible applicants. A "small to mid-sized value chain business” is defined as Small (<$350,000 gross sales) and Midsize (>$350,000 but less than $1 million gross sales). You can determine if your business meets any of the following definitions.
MN, ND or SD: Your business must be located in Minnesota, North Dakota, or South Dakota.
We encourage you to reach out to your local Technical Assistance provider to assist in writing the grant application, with partners found at:​​
Amount of Requests
Funding awards range from $35, 000 - $50,000.
Note: This is a snapshot of allowable expenses. Please refer to the budget workbook for an exhaustive list.

All award recipients will be required to adhere to the uniform administrative requirements and cost principles set forth by 2 CFR 200. You may find the content of those requirements by clicking Code of Federal Regulations.
**Please note equipment purchases over $5,000 are subject to additional requirements at the end of the program period. Refer to the cost guidance and 2 CFR § 200.313 for more information.
How to Apply
Review the Application Documents to prepare for completing the application.
All applications will be submitted utilizing an online platform, which will allow you to save your progress to submit once all details are entered. You may access the application below.
Applications will not be accepted via email or US postal service.
Need help applying? Our North Central RFBC Technical Assistance Providers are waiting to work with you.
I've been chosen as an award recipient. What's next?
Recipients will be notified via email with next steps. You may also visit the Reporting page for more information.
Candice Zimmermann | Regional Food Business Center Coordinator